Friday, October 11, 2013

T.G.I Friday!

I'm baaaaccck! Twice in one day!  I just couldn't say no to a Linky Party!

My district utilizes an online reading assessment program. So every other week my kiddos take a reading assessment on the computer. I have some GREAT readers but those nonsense words are stumping us BIG TIME! So I made these (yup you and idea of how impromptu this idea was) cards with some similar nonsense words to practice in reading groups. Sometimes I have them just read through them and other times I read one of the words off a card and have them tell me which word I read. 

I am also trying to make them stop and think about their choices and use process of elimination. So I say a word from the card like "lut" and then they have to cover all the words that don't say lut and then tell me why! For example I covered lint because it has an n sound and there is no n sound in the word lut. 

Tuesday the kids had field day. It was an hour of fun filled activities from 8- 9 in the morning. Let me tell you after 9am the time moved like molasses! I was EXHAUSTED and the kids were bouncing of the walls! 

For YEARS I have been saying I want to try Donors Choose! I FINALLY completed a project request. I am so excited! I find out in 5 business days if my projected was approved!

Have you all heard of the math game Around the World? One kid starts the game at someones desk and battles against another kid to answer a question first. The first one to answer moves on the other sits down. The object of the game is to move all the way around the classroom. Well this game was my FAVORITE when I was in elementary school! I rarely play it with my class because I try to stay away from games that don't have active engagement for everyone all the time BUT the kids love it. So I introduced this game this week using math facts but I told the class that I really needed to have all the facts we went over  recorded. I told them I really needed them and asked if they could write the facts down for me if it wasn't their turn while we  played. Then I told them since they were writing it down why not try to answer the facts on their slates before the two player going against each other could answer. So while two players were racing each other the rest of the class was getting their practice too....WIN. 

Last the hubs and I celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary yesterday! We were married on 10-10-10!

Hey while you are here...check out my post from earlier Gone Batty and grab yourself a freebie!
Have a great weekend!
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