Monday, October 14, 2013

Meeting the Parents

Well, technically I've met the parents already at Meet Your Teacher Night and I've seen most before or after school BUT this week is conference week and I will be sitting down with ALL the parents. I could probably teach for 50 years but I don't think parent/teacher conferences will become any less nerve-racking!

I've prepared a few things to help get me through conference week that I'd like to share with you!

I use these as talking points. I  find 3 positive things about each child to start the conference with and then I give a few areas that might need improvement. I've taught first and second grade so there are first and second grade copies. If you don't teach first of second I added an "Things You Should Know About Your Awesome Kid":)

I also end the conference by having each parent write a note to their child which I place on each child's desk later in the week so that they can get a special note from mom or dad or even both! This has been something I have done for years that both parents and kids LOVE!

Back to lesson plans I go! Have a great rest of the day!

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  1. I love that the parents get to write a note to their kids! So sweet! Best of luck with your conferences this year!

    Keep Calm and Apple On
