Wednesday, October 9, 2013

I'm Wide Awake

I'm wide awake (and now singing Katy Perry's Wide Awake to myself)! Seriously though what is wrong with me? I have been up since 1:30 am! Here it as 4:30 and my alarm will be going off in a half an hour....pointless to go to sleep now! Argh! I am in for a lonnnngggg day today!

Well since I'm up....

We are continuing our adventures in non-fiction and read up on the solar system last week. Our district has created units for us to use to go with the new common core standards. When I saw our current unit I flipped! I kept thinking that the solar system was WAAAAYYYY too complicated for beginning of the year 2nd grade! But I stuck it out and my kids LOVED it. They really learned A TON about the solar system. I guess that will teach me to underestimate them again!

Anyway, I decided to test their note-taking skills with this fun organizer....

Inside they had to write a main idea/topic sentence and give 4 details that went with their main idea.
On they outside they did four small pictures to go with each detail and added a bit of glitter!
The kids kept asking if it was really a test! They had so much fun putting this little project together! I feel like they worked a little extra hard to create a beautiful project. LOVE how these turned out! 

 I better go get my caffeine fix if I am going to make it through the day! I'll be back later this week with a freebie or two! 

Happy Wednesday! 

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