Sunday, September 15, 2013

Tell me how you really feel

 Does anyone else refer to their Sunday as lesson plan day. It's really sad. But my Sundays have been spent in front of my computer writing up my plans for the past few weekends. I usually have a pretty good idea of how my week is going to be planned long before Sunday but it's the "putting it down on paper" part that is soooo time consuming!
I really do have a love/hate relationship with lesson plans. My school requires that they be turned in weekly. They are also expected to be fairly detailed. I am going to give you my thoughts on lesson plans and to thank you for "listening" to my rant I will share an AWESOME resource:)

So I very much love and appreciate the time thinking about and mapping out my week. I feel so much more organized and ready to go to work after writing my plans. So what's not to love? I don't like the fact that I am typing them up for someone else. I feel that lesson plans should be for me.  I feel like a perfectionist at times when I spend all my time making my plans look good. Sometimes I have to stop myself and remind myself what's REALLY important. I want to spend the majority of my time on what's going to be useful to my kiddos. That means I would much rather be preparing, creating, or searching for resources.....NOT typing lesson plans. BOO.

Okay I'm done. Now for one of my favorite finds.

Planbook is an AMAZING lesson planning resource. I just started using it after a friend shared it with me and I am hooked! It is so easy to use. You create your schedule which it saves for you and you can enter your plans for the different subjects. You can extend lessons to other days. All your plans are saved for you. Planbook already has the standards so all you have to do is click on them and they are in your plans! You can try it out FOR FREE for 30 days. After that it is 12$ a year! 12$ what a deal!

It took me awhile to set it up and familiarize myself with it but it was worth it. I just send the link to my plans to my principal and Voila! She can choose to print or just view. I love Planbook. It almost makes my reevaluate my love/HATE relationship....almost ;)

Now it's off to spend the rest of my Sunday with my boys!
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