Saturday, July 19, 2014

Motivational Folders

My brain has definitely been in summer mode (which explains the hiatus). I have enjoyed spending my days in my pajamas chasing after my toddler. With the first day of school just over two weeks away (omg omg omg) I have been thrown back into teacher mode and I am busily preparing for the upcoming year.I will also be in uncharted waters this new year because.....


I just found out I'm looping with last year's class and I could not be more excited to have them for another year. It's great to already know the students and just where they are all at. It makes the beginning of the year a bit more smooth. As soon as I got the news I started to think about where I left off  my kids, especially that handful that struggled more than others. One particular student stuck in my head. It's one of those students I know I will remember forever. I watched him change and grow SO SO SO much in just one year and I don't think I have ever been so proud. It was not an easy journey for him. He lacked confidence....BIG TIME. He constantly doubted himself and would regularly shut down. I had to encourage encourage encourage and then encourage a little more. I encouraged other classmates to do the same. I had to get this kid to believe in himself and it was difficult. He finally came around by the end of the year and definitely built some confidence. With more difficult content in 3rd grade, I worried that he would struggle again this year so I put together a little pack to spread encouragement and motivation throughout my classroom.

Here's how I plan to use it:
The first week of school I will hang our quote posters {insert photo here} and we will do several activities in which we discuss the meaning and how words of others can motivate us. Each student will get a motivational folder that they will keep in their data binders for them to look through regularly.

The folder will contain some motivational materials for students to have access to when needed. I will teach students to write encouraging notes to each other, I will collect encouraging notes from parents, students will have their own quote book as well, all in which will be kept in these folders. 

I am so excited for this pack and can' t wait to use it! If you would like to try it out as well it's up in my store! Click Below!

Hope back to school planning is going well for you! Until next time!

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