I have not posted since January! I sure have missed blogging but there has been a lot going on with me these days. Most of us experience the busy/non-stop days that a new year brings. Along with all of that, the new year also brought sad news for my family. My grandfather was diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer in late January. It's still hard to believe how fast cancer can change everything. This time last year my grandfather was healthy, happy, and helping us welcome our newborn son. In February we said goodbye. Here is a picture from his memorial service.
Now, though my personal life has been hectic, we have also been busy in Room 202! We are in the final stretch before the end of the year and we still have much to learn!
Here's a recent activity:
I cut out articles from our local kid newspaper and put my students into groups to read and take notes. They loved reading about current events! It was so exciting for them to read about places they've been to, or upcoming events in their own town. After they took notes each group presented and told the class about what they read.
Later during a writing center, they summarized what they read about!
You can snag this activity (nothing fancy) if you'd like by clicking here.
I hope to be back soon with some more goodies! Have a good night all!