Linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday to share how this crazy week went!
I found a few adorable ideas on Pinterest for easy gifts that wouldn't break the bank!
I usually make cookies but wanted something different and I love how these turned out:)
I made these for the ladies at my son's daycare.
If you need a last minute gift you can grab the tags I used for this gift here.
I also had to come up with a white elephant gift for a gift exchange and found this cute idea!
Our white elephant gift exchange is supposed to include funny/tacky/gifts no one would want BUT I think I lucked out. I got this adorable hat which made for some super cute pics of my boy!
I was slacking in the parent gift department this year! Before I knew it was the last week before break and I had to come up with something quick, easy, and cute! Another teacher gave me a box of pinecones so we painted them, added glitter, hot glued a ribbon and Voila! an ornament. Despite my lack of planning for this gift, they really did turn out beautiful and I hope the parents enjoy them.
My school does a craft day each year, each teacher does a craft and students can visit different teachers and do crafts for the day. Pinterest saved me yet again!
Want 30 minutes of peace? Show this. Haha just kidding (kinda). I love the Snowman. There is hardly any dialogue in this video and the music is so calming. Whenever I show this the kids are's a beautiful thing ;)
While they watch I have them write the story since there are no words. I stopped it every once and awhile to remind them of important parts of a story to include (beginning, middle, climax, end).
I don't watch movies often in my classroom and truth be told I always feel a little guilty when I put one on. But if there was every a week where I needed a movie this was it. We had a day where the Christmas excitement was just too much and I had to throw plans out the window! I logged into my Netflix account and found Saving Santa. I told them they were going to analyze the character of Bernard the elf. They had to choose character traits and use evidence from the movie as proof. Here is one organizer at the start.
The last day my team dressed up as elves. We had a cereal bar for the kids and invited parents to come. It was so exhausting so much fun!
And finally.....